Step 1: preparing your materials
Prepare your tools and materials for a fast and organized working process.
Cut two pieces from each leather:
Starting with the shortest one - 17cm long.
The others needs to be - 18cm, 19cm and 20cm for the longest one.

Step 2 : connecting the leather
Apply small amount of E6000 glue inside the metal finishes and slip the leather inside.

Use 6mm jump rings to connect the leather cords together and then use 8mm jump ring to connect the parts of the clasp.

At the end of the extension chain hang the metal label and Swarovski stone.

Step 3 : hang the center piece
The center piece is created by several elements.
Open 6mm jump rings and connect the leather to the 4 loop element.
Connect the 4 loop element with two 6mm jump rings to the connector with the stone settings.
Use two 8mm jump rings to connect the connector to the center piece.

Step 4 : setting the stones
Place the stone in the center of the stone setting and with the help of the setting tool bend the prongs towards the stone in order to embed it.

The necklace is ready!
Enjoy your new beautiful Swarovski necklace.
Cup Chain team.