Crystal colors are: Black diamond, Erinite, Peridot, Iridescent Green and Khaki 
The metal plating color is: Antique copper 
Metal and crystal color combination:
The blushed rusty red of the Antique cooper metal color is such a great base for so many crystal colors to use. The red color of the copper metal plating gives all of these jewelry bases its strong color and warm tone, and really makes them stand out. When you add blue and green crystals and tassels to these bases you can easily make them look super stunning and stylish.
There is a range of crystal colors to choose from, starting with the Black diamond crystal which has a bit of a green tone in the main gray color. Then there is the green Erinite which has a bit of blue in it. And the greens with more yellow in them like the Khaki and peridot. The Iridescent Green has all of these colors in it, so it is such a great crystal color to use.
The ethnic style is here to stay:
The ethnic look was one of the biggest trends this year. We would keep on seeing it around us, because it was and still is very popular. So combining crystals and tassels is still a beautiful and trendy look that you can play with and make it look a little different each time.
Tassels are also a simple way to add a pretty colorful volume to your jewelry. You can hang them on a bangle bracelet, or on a leather bracelet with charms that you make.
You can see all of these jewelry bases and crystals in the "Components" section.
Have fun creating new things!
Cup Chain team.